Welcome to the second newsletter for Term 2, it’s difficult to believe we are almost half way through the year already!
Last Thursday evening saw CSPWA host our 67th AGM, this year via Zoom. Who thought when this organisation was founded 67 years ago that we would be in a position to hold a meeting through this medium – how times have changed. Although it is fantastic that this technology now exists, I am very happy that so many of our meetings are once again face to face. Although Zoom and Teams meetings are certainly effective for the dissemination of information and making decisions, it seem to me that it is much more difficult to establish relationships using this method of communication (or maybe I’m just getting old and still like to chat while waiting for the kettle to boil!). One key benefit of course, is that it makes it easier to keep connected in a meaningful way with our regional, rural and remote families and we certainly look forward to more of that this year.
On that note I welcome Rose Fogarty to the CSPWA office team! Rose joins us as Liaison Officer and is already mastering elements of her new role. Rose is busy working on the Annual Conference which has of course now been confirmed for Friday 6 August (Conference Opening Dinner) and Saturday 7 August. The theme for this year is ‘Put Your Own Mask On First’. This alludes to the fact that as parents we need to be healthy and competent ourselves if we are to help our children effectively.
After much thought and discussion, the decision was made this year to keep the conference itself to the afternoon of Saturday 7 August which leaves parents free to complete their sporting obligations in the morning and then take some time out for themselves in the afternoon to come along and hear some great guest speakers, followed by a networking sundowner. You will find information about the speakers, registration, conference opening dinner and of course the very popular Awards of Excellence in Building Positive School Communities, further down in this newsletter. I would like to reiterate as we do every year that the conference (including the dinner) is open to all members of your school community. If members of the P&F /Parent Group executive find that they are unable to attend, please put the word out to your school community to offer the opportunity to any parents who might like to attend.
Every year as we collect feedback from the conference proceedings, we consistently hear from attendees that although having the opportunity to hear from some fantastic speakers is a key element, by far the more beneficial part of attending is the ability to network with parents from all over the state, sharing ideas and celebrating together - it helps parents understand that they are in fact part of a statewide community. Quite often in our own schools, particularly small schools we may think that we are not making a significant difference, however by attending the conference we come to know that we are actually part of a much bigger, parent driven community which can have considerable influence with all those involved in Catholic education.
I would also like to remind parents from regional, rural and remote parts of the state that once again, through a Lotterywest grant, we can provide financial assistance for two parents from each school to attend the conference. For more information about how to access this funding please contact Rose at [email protected]
Enjoy the last few weeks of the term and of course we look forward to seeing lots of you on 7 & 8 August.
God Bless!
The 2021 CSPWA Conference dinner and Awards of Excellence will take place on Friday 6th August at The Astral Crown, followed by a half-day Conference on Saturday 7th August. The theme of the Conference is “Put your Own Mask on First” with a focus on parents looking after themselves first before others. The keynote speakers are Linda Stade and Claire Eaton, two presenters who specialise in mental health and well-being in the school setting. This year we will also have a panel discussion, facilitated by Laura Allison, the Coordinator of the Psychology Team for Catholic Education in Western Australia and a Sundowner to conclude the event, which is a great networking opportunity.
The cost of the pre-Conference dinner is $99/person and the Conference is $49/person for affiliated schools and $99/per person for non-affiliated schools. We will be offering a discounted price to affiliated schools of $130/person to attend both events. Please see the attached flyer for the registration/booking link.
CSPWA has been successful in securing a Lotterywest grant to cover the cost of travel and accommodation at the Promenade Crown for people traveling from rural areas (conditions apply- please contact our office for further information).
We are calling for nominations for the Awards of Excellence in all 5 categories. If you would like to nominate someone, please see the attached criteria, visit our website: 2021+Awards+of+Excellence+Nomination+Forms.pdf (squarespace.com) or contact the office on 9338 9985.
Last Thursday 10 June saw the 67th Annual General Meeting of CSPWA take place via Zoom. Notification of the meeting was sent to all school parent groups in advance as per the CSPWA constitution.
The meeting this year ran like clockwork, and we were done and dusted within half an hour. As the meeting papers were all forwarded to attendees upon registration and the reports therefore taken as read, CSPWA President Catherine Howarth was able to move through the agenda in a timely manner. As per the usual procedure for AGM’s the papers included reports from the President, Treasurer and the Executive Director. CSPWA also provides for the AGM an Office Report which covers off a lot of the work the office engages in throughout the year. Although in one sense it may look a bit like a ‘shopping list’ it provides an idea of the breadth of work and projects that CSPWA work on, on behalf of their members throughout the year.
The AGM also includes the opportunity for parents from affiliated schools to nominate to CSPWA Council and nominations for the year ahead include:
Catherine Howarth - Frances Jordan Catholic Primary School
Anna Wood - St Kieran Catholic Primary School
Rebecca Furfaro - Salvado Catholic College
Richard Bone - Mercy College
Marina Hayward - Mater Christi CPS
Kate Price - St Anthony’s CPS
Belinda Stewart - St Elizabeth’s CPS
Michelle Francis - Holy Cross College
Alan Buckley - Bunbury Catholic College
Michelle McIntosh - St Luke’s College, Karratha
Jules Chewluke - St Mary’s College, Broome
We are delighted that this year for the first in many years, we have parent representation from all four dioceses on CSPWA Council! We welcome our new members and look forward to working together in the best interests of our children and young people.
Sadly, we also say goodbye to one council member who is stepping down after 5 years on CSPWA Council. Simone Northcott has been an invaluable councillor since she joined. Rarely missing a meeting, Simone’s input has always been considered and honest. Simone has never been afraid of rigorous conversation, a valued trait in a CSPWA councillor. We wish Simone and her family all the very best and feel sure that CSPWA has a friend for life!
Finally, according to the CSPWA constitution, we still have the capacity to co-opt another two councillors. If any parent whose school parent group is affiliated with CSPWA is interested in finding out more about what the role of councillor entails, please do not hesitate to contact Siobhan at [email protected]
CSPWA council and staff look forward to working hard on behalf of all parents who choose a Catholic education for their children in Western Australia.
Having secured the approval of CSPWA Council, the office staff are now well under way with the development of the new CSPWA website! As part of this process, we will be updating all of the resources available on the current website and we would like your assistance with this.
We would appreciate you taking some time to have a look at what is currently there and letting us know whether you find it useful and more importantly to let us know what might be missing.
Key resources that are currently being updated as a result of parent feedback, are the P&F Template Constitution and also a resource for P&F /Parent Group Treasurers. Siobhan and Jennifer are meeting with colleagues at CEWA this week who have offered their assistance to ensure that these newly developed resources will contain contemporary and accurate advice for school parent groups.
If you are currently looking for information and cannot find what you need, please contact us and we can email you the relevant fact sheets and flyers. If we do not have what you are looking for, as previously mentioned we would be happy to develop something new, because the chances are if you want it, there are other parents who want it too. Please email [email protected] or phone the office on 9338 9985.
Catholic Education Western Australia is a gold sponsor of the Abilities Expo, the premier showcase for disability services in West Australia. Please see the Save the Date flyer for more information.