Welcome to Term 1 2023
President's welcome
CSPWA Parent Induction Night 2nd March
CSPWA Photo competition
Changes to NAPLAN in 2023
CSPWA Parent Pilgrimage 2023- Save the Date
Rights of Parents as Primary Educators
Free First Aid training for students
Road Safety Starts with Me poster and video competition for year 10-12 students
School Fundraiser
eSafety Webinars for Parents and Carers
P&F Terms of Reference
Welcome to the almost half way mark of Term 1 2023!
At this stage of the term I am sure our children are well settled into their routines whether it is their last or first year of school. Our staff here at CSPWA have commenced their work again this year with gusto and are so enthusiastic about having a productive year with all of our school parent bodies. Nicole, Jennifer and Siobhan are always happy to be contacted with your queries.
Whether your child has started kindy or commenced senior school or is somewhere in between, your children will thrive if they know you are invested in their schooling. Participating in school events, volunteering as able in the classrooms or around the school, lets our kids know that we are interested and value their schooling. It is a major contributing factor to student engagement and performance. So it is fabulous to see so many posts of wonderful Welcome to the School Year functions and to see rosters being filled. We all contribute what and when we are able.
Of late, the media has been full of information regarding changes to NAPLAN and the Consultation Paper related to the Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws. These two issues are not only of interest to parents, but directly related to decisions that we make as parents. You can find information related to these and other issues pertaining to parent related content on our CSPWA Facebook page and as always, our Executive Director, Siobhan Allen is across these issues. When able to, it is a great idea to respond to surveys and expressions of opinion when articles are posted or issues of interest are publicised. You may think you are just one voice, but we know that many voices as a collective can be a powerful tool.
This week all of our children will have marked Ash Wednesday, the traditional holy day of fasting and prayer. Sackcloth and ashes are not very modern I acknowledge, however as families of children in Catholic Schools, we know we are in the reflective season of Lent and the children will prepare for the Easter Season during the remainder of this term.
As we move forward into this term and the year, the Council and staff of CSPWA wish you well in all of your endeavours whether they be fund-raising and/or purely community building, and please remember we are always available with advice, reassurance or guidance should you ask.
We look forward to partnering with you to work in partnership with your schools.
Warm regards
The Catholic School Parents WA P&F Induction evening will take place on Thursday 2nd March from 6pm, at St Peter's Primary School in Inglewood (103 Wood St).
The Induction evening will cover the new P&F Terms of Reference, updated Office Bearer role descriptions, including new duties for the P&F Treasurer, and information on how to access our P&F resources and online induction. An induction webinar will be available after the event for regional and remote schools.
The event is free but please register via this link for catering purposes https://events.humanitix.com/parent-induction-night.
1st Prize - $1,500 donation back to your school P&F
2nd Prize - A school P&F banner, thanks to Snap Northbridge
3rd Prize - $500 of school resources for your school library
Please see the flyer for full details and the terms and conditions.
From 2023, there will be three main changes to the way the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is administered and scored.
1. NAPLAN tests will be held in Term 1, allowing results to be returned to systems, schools and parents/carers earlier in the year.
2. NAPLAN is moving online to deliver more precise information.
3. The previous numerical NAPLAN bands will be replaced with the following 4 levels of achievement:
• Exceeding
• Strong
• Developing
• Needs additional support.
The descriptors for each category will make it clear to parents what their child’s literacy and numeracy skills are at the time of NAPLAN testing, and support discussions with their school on their child’s progress.
Why do students do NAPLAN?
NAPLAN is a national literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit each year. It is the only national assessment all Australian students have the opportunity to undertake.
As students progress through their school years, it’s important to check how well they are learning the essential skills of reading, writing and numeracy.
How are NAPLAN results used?
- Students and parents/carers may use individual results to discuss progress with teachers.
- Teachers use results to help identify students who need greater challenges or extra support.
- Schools use results to identify strengths and areas of need to improve teaching programs, and to set goals in literacy and numeracy.
- School systems use results to review the effectiveness of programs and support offered to schools.
- The community can see information about the performance of schools over time at My School.
What can I do to support my child?
Students are not expected to study for NAPLAN. You can support your child by reassuring them that NAPLAN is a part of their school program and reminding them to simply do their best. Some familiarisation and explanation of NAPLAN is useful to help students understand and be comfortable with the format of the tests. Teachers will ensure students are familiar with the types of questions in the tests and will provide appropriate support and guidance.
For more information, please see the parent section of the NAPLAN website.
You may also find the following two flyers helpful:
In September 2022, CSPWA took part in its first ever Parent Pilgrimage. We walked the first part of the Camino Salvado, from St Joseph’s Church, Subiaco to Bardon Park in East Perth, a walk of approximately 8 kms.
We are going to offer the same opportunity again in 2023, but this time hold the event on a Saturday (6th May). More details will follow soon, with an opportunity to RSVP to the event. In the meantime, please email [email protected] if you have any questions. We hope you can join us.
Parents are first and foremost the primary educators of their children, and as such, parents' rights to have their children taught in a school according to their values and beliefs is fundamental.
This right along with the right to hold and manifest religious beliefs and access religious schools, is recognised in international law, including Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, that has been ratified by Australia.
Despite assurances from consecutive parliaments, there is still no Religious Freedom Legislation in Australia to protect these fundamental rights. If you value your right to choose the education that best suits your child's needs, please consider completing this survey.
The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) is asking for feedback via submissions or through the online survery by Friday 24th February. Take the survey by clicking here: https://www.alrc.gov.au/.../anti.../submission/survey/
WA students are invited to enter the Road Safety Commission’s ‘Road Safety Starts With Me’ poster and video competition for the chance to win an iPad. Entries must be submitted by 3 April 2023. For more information and to submit entries, visit Community Connect.
The competition is open to high school students in years 10-12 and university or TAFE students aged 18-25 (for individuals and groups), as part of the Road Safety Commission’s National Road Safety Week Youth Summit event to encourage youth involvement with road safety. To enter you need to create a poster or video that shares a strong road safety message or shows how you would improve a road safety issue.
Sacred Heart College in Sorrento is holding its inaugural “Cars on the Coast” fundraiser car show on Sunday 7 May. This event is open to the entire community, all are welcome.
The organisers are interested in hearing from car related businesses who would like to set up displays. Bays are $10.00 and can be booked by scanning the QR code on the flyer or via our online store https://www.sacredheart.wa.edu.au/online-store/community
Please see the flyer for more information: Car Show Flyer
If your school has a fundraiser they would like to promote in the CSPWA newsletter, please email [email protected].
The Education and Training team at eSafety have just launched the Parent and Carer webinars for Term 1 2023.They have listened to feedback and now most of the webinars are 30min long. They include:
- eSafety 101: how eSafety can help you
- Setting your child up for success online
- Getting the most out of gaming
- Navigating online friendships
To register, please click here.
To download a flyer which can be shared with your school community, please click here.
Our office has received lots of calls regarding the new P&F Terms of Reference so we have attached a copy of the most recent version, and the accompanying guidelines below for your information.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our office on 9338 9985.