End of Term 3 2024
As we come to the last week of Term 3, life is still frantically busy in the office of Catholic School Parents WA, as I'm sure it is with all of you.
It is a bittersweet time of year when all of our wonderful Year 12's are preparing for their journey post school and that of course looks different for everyone. Some will be stressing (or not!) about exams whilst others will be taking up apprenticeships or full time work. Whatever that pathway is we wish them all the very best of luck and hope that their years within all of our Catholic schools will stand them in good stead to face the joys and challenges that life has ahead for them.
We also congratulate all of you parents and carers who have been beside them for that journey. For some of you this may be your first encounter with the Year 12 experience and for others it may be your last! Whichever it is, take the time to enjoy all the various traditions our schools offer with your young people. They will be such precious memories in years to come.
As always however, when we are coming to the end of one term, we are already thinking about the next one, the final one for the year. During the course Term 3, Principals in all Catholic schools in WA were invited to the Leaders Forum Roadshow, and as part of the agenda were informed of the challenges facing Catholic education as the enrollment numbers in Catholic schools continue to increase.
One of the issues which we as parents find it almost inpossible to understand is why children in Catholic schools in WA do not receive any grants from our State government to assist with capital works in our schools. Capital works include the building of new schools and importantly the maintenance of existing schools. It was a question raised at the CSPWA 70th Anniversary conference earlier this year, and again in subsequent correspondance to Minister Buti, but one to which we have received no credible answer.
When we choose a Catholic education for our children we know up front that we will have to pay school fees, we all know and accept that. However did you know that you also have to pay for the schools themselves, their building, maintenance and fitting out? Whilst we do not expect the State government to cover all of those costs, we strongly believe that they should make a contribution, after all we are all taxpayers living in WA, arguably the wealthiest state in Australia.
We have had pushback suggesting that we write to the Federal Government for financial assistance towards capital works, however it seems that every other State Minister for Education in Australia can make a contribution to Catholic schools, but those of us who live in the wealthiest state in Australia do not have that support.
Over the next couple of months, politicians will start preparing for the State Election on March 8 2025. Inviting both sitting members and potential candidates to your school whether is it to a P&F meeting, a special assembly or any other event, is a great way to let them know the wonderful things we are doing in our schools but also the challenges we are facing in regard to capital works. It really doesn't feel fair at all that we get no grant assistance and are so reliant on the building levies that parents pay on top of their school fees. We should all also be aware of the startling statistic that parents who choose a Catholic education for their children actually save the State Government a massive $600 million each year! It just seems unconscionable that we cannot get some support in return.
Included in this newsletter you will find some useful information enabling you to have informed discussions with your local politicians and candidates. Please take the time to familiarise yourself with the information and as always if you would like any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Finally, before I sign off for this term, please look out for the 2024 Catholic School Parents Australia Survey. This national survey aims to collect evidence from a broad sample of parents /carers of children attending Catholic schoolsin Australia about existing and emerging affirmations and/or challenges they may have in relation to their child/children's wellbeing and learning.
The 2022 survey had a wonderful response from parents in WA and we are hoping for the same this time round. The survey is completely voluntary, however if you do wish to engage with it, it will only take around 10 or 15 mins to complete. We are very keen to hear your views and will as we did the last time prepare a report which will be made available on our website.
In the meantime, the staff and council of CSPWA wish you all a restful break and fun times with your children and young people.
See you all in Term 4!!
Parents know their children better than anyone, and so it is important that they continue to have the opportunity to choose the school which best meets their children’s needs.
When a school enrols a child, they also in effect enrol their family. Catholic schools provide a strong sense of community, welcoming and accompanying families on their children’s education journey. They also provide diverse opportunities for parents to engage in a positive way in their children’s learning, leading to improved outcomes for all.
Each parent, regardless of the school they choose, contributes to education in WA through their taxes – however parents in Catholic schools make an additional contribution through the payment of school fees contributing in turn to a significant saving for the State Government.
We hope that all political parties take into account the significant contribution that parents in Catholic schools make, when forming their policy decisions. We encourage them to ensure that your family and your child, regardless of the school they attend, receives a fair funding deal which addresses not just tuition costs but also assistance for the capital development and maintenance of our schools.

This 2024 survey is a follow up to a similar survey conducted by Catholic School Parents Australia (CSPA) in 2022, which was completed by 6,286 Australian Catholic school parents.
The parent views and experiences shared through the 2022 Parent Survey on Student Wellbeing and Learning, helped CSPA to advise the Australian Government, the National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC) and State, Territory and Diocesan Catholic Education Offices on key issues concerning parents with children and/or young people in Australian Catholic Schools. The 2022 survey clearly identified the concerns that many parents/carers have for their children’s wellbeing.
By completing the 2024 survey, you will be helping CSPA to continue reporting on existing and emerging affirmations/challenges, in relation to the wellbeing and learning of our school-aged children.
It is only by having your voice heard that you can make a difference and influence decisions. We have noticed that wellbeing is now high on the agenda for most of our school communities, for both staff and students and in many cases the wider community - this is a positive step forward for which we are most grateful.
To continue to inform the discussion please feel free to complete this current survey by clicking on the link or scanning the QR code: 2024 National Parent Survey